Thursday, May 10, 2018


If our minds were beaches...

May your beach be warm and sunny,
May the storms be few and far between, 
May the palm trees of ambition and progress grow abundantly but never drop coconuts on your head,
May the ocean waves of life bring pretty seashells of opportunity, 
May the sands of time bring comfort and safety,
May the sunsets of loss and letting go bring rich wisdom.



Don't wilt! 
Be a strong flower - don't let the Negativity Monster pollute you...
Be pollinated with joy! Let gratitude strengthen your stem! Guard your petals - be the Happy Flower you were created to be!

the remote is in your hand

A casual, slightly spacey vlog on the subject of healthy relationships.
I made more like this, and LOTS of comics that pertain to mental health. They're mostly gathered here
in this collection.
(It's All In Your Head)

Also, items like this here on this blog,
a semi-fun and mildly inspiring creation.
I never know if, after making this stuff, I should apologize to the world, or say you're welcome.


This reminds me of an old Anatomy and Physiology textbook in my home when I was a kid. There were these cool detailed colorful drawings, overlaid with clear pages. Each clear page had different body parts on it, so as you turned the pages, more of the human body could be seen. Also, the clear pages smelled good.

I made more fun Human Body comics like this one, here
on this blog.

inspiration compilation

This is a happy combo-pack of several upbeat Birdtown videos, freshly set to new music (Public Domain - no attribution tracks.) I just felt all these silly silent cartoons needed refurbishing. 

Here's a new collection/list of Birdtown videos, containing this one, and the others that got redone -
Birdtown Videos

And here's the latest Birdtown Comics blog, featuring all the reworked ones -
Birdtown Tavern


dust in the wind...

Forgive me for the cringy singing attempt. Not that this video is about singing, or that song, even. But forgive me if I 
The whole message of this one is about the importance of reading God’s Word, and how easy it is for us in these modern times to do that, and how easily we take that ability for granted.

I made more Christian videos, put them here
in this collection, 


I stopped wearing socks when I moved to Florida.
My little toe
has been a happy camper ever since.
Well, that, and the fact I don't have to walk
on it anymore... 

I haven't quite figured out yet if not being able to walk anymore is a good thing, or a bad thing. It's all in how
you choose to view it. One thing for sure, I'm done with shoes. 

I think I drew this out of sheer guilt. I took off my socks and shoes one day, and never put them on again, except for a few occasions that unfortunately required footwear.

I have one (1) pair of shoes - pink Crocs - and I don't even know where they are. Under the couch, maybe. Who knows? Who cares? Not only are my feet unused for walking anymore, but I'm in Florida, where I was ALREADY going barefoot, long before I couldn't walk anymore.

I'm so done with putting my feet in prisons, aka socks and shoes. 

Here's a little collection of more comics like this -
Let's Get Physical - Human Body comics
and here's a video I made about why YOU should also go barefoot (or wear flip-flops) more often. In it, I tell you how to make your own foot fungus treatment.
You're welcome :)
About Your Foot Fungus

Also, here's  the "label" I drew for anyone who makes a bottle of Pretty Piggies!

I made this video in 2011, when working at the health food stores for real was getting too hard for me (endurance/nerve issues due to increasing progressing ALL KINDS OF THINGS that are boring beyond comprehension so we won't go there) so maybe telling people about natural help for foot fungus was therapeutic for me too, because I have all this health food store knowledge still in my head, with no place to go, and maybe also I want all feet everywhere to be happy and healthy. Mine don't work anymore, but YOURS probably do. Take care of them, and don't wear them out.
And let them breathe :)

a life worth living

In this video, a Betta Fish is returned to his freshly-cleaned tank, and proceeds to swim around for the camera, gradually turning into a pixelated mess, then, comes back to reality in the end.

I still harbor guilt for wasting anyone's time by watching this video, and I'm sorry. Also, the title... I named it "A Life Worth Living" because it made me think of life being like a little fish, and sometimes we just need our tank cleaned and fresh water. Metaphorically, of course. However after giving it this title, I now realize that most people would think, what does this fish have to do with a life worth living? Yeah I get lost in my own thoughts and forget that normal people see things sensibly and not in colorful layers of various meanings. 
I'll never get it right... ( bangs head defeatedly on piano)


In this cartoon, a bird seems anxious as the phone rings.
Nothing more happens, that's it.

I thought it was a humorous illustration of how it is for those of us strange birds who avoid the phone, for whatever reason. At least the bird pictured here is only listening to it ring, and not destroying it, as I have done a few times in real life...


I made all these Birdtown videos in 2010, while still trying to get it together mentally once more (it's all relative - yes I admit I was a Space Cadet all along) after a brain infection took what little I had in the world and leveled me to a pathetic pulp. Each video represents something I was thinking, feeling, or going through, on my slow journey back into the land of the living. This one in particular, "Telephone", expresses my growing detatchment from social interaction.

The brain infection took place at the end of 2006, it robbed me of everything. I recovered as a dependent at my mom's place, and by the Spring of 2007, I was fed up with seizure meds and staring into blank dark space all day (although this time of rest was needed). I was encouraged to get online, and enjoy some interaction with the world, so I got on MySpace for the very first time.

Imagine walking into a high school class reunion after not seeing or talking to anyone for about 20 years, in a mental daze. That's what happened to me. When I first joined MySpace, I was still disoriented and out to lunch mentally, and on top of that, I had no idea how to socialize online. It was all new to me and although fun, I cringe at the thought of my attempts at conversation with my former classmates. I was awkward. And looking back, I don't know if I even told anyone about my mental/physical state, it was too embarrassing. I just tried to cover it up and be cool, but it didn't work. 

The thing is, I was ALREADY the oddball, so throw a brain infection into the mix, and there you have it, Amy's crazy, for sure.

So, about this video. I never even knew what the term "social anxiety" even meant until going through the time period I just described. But MySpace led to numbers exchanged and that led to even more awkwardness on my part, it's all so bad, it pains me to even think about it. It got to where, upon hearing the phone ring, not only would it simply go unanswered, but thrown away. (sometimes.)

I never fully recovered.

Here's lots more Birdtown Videos in this collection, and a fun little blog that features more socially awkward birds interacting awkwardly with one another and the world.


happy cake

 This is just a fun video showing a terrible cake I baked. I never cooked with alcohol before, and now I realize the way it was just poured over the semi-cooked top could've actually caused a fire. I was just having fun, this isn't one of my  tutorials.