Thursday, May 10, 2018

a life worth living

In this video, a Betta Fish is returned to his freshly-cleaned tank, and proceeds to swim around for the camera, gradually turning into a pixelated mess, then, comes back to reality in the end.

I still harbor guilt for wasting anyone's time by watching this video, and I'm sorry. Also, the title... I named it "A Life Worth Living" because it made me think of life being like a little fish, and sometimes we just need our tank cleaned and fresh water. Metaphorically, of course. However after giving it this title, I now realize that most people would think, what does this fish have to do with a life worth living? Yeah I get lost in my own thoughts and forget that normal people see things sensibly and not in colorful layers of various meanings. 
I'll never get it right... ( bangs head defeatedly on piano)