Thursday, May 10, 2018


I stopped wearing socks when I moved to Florida.
My little toe
has been a happy camper ever since.
Well, that, and the fact I don't have to walk
on it anymore... 

I haven't quite figured out yet if not being able to walk anymore is a good thing, or a bad thing. It's all in how
you choose to view it. One thing for sure, I'm done with shoes. 

I think I drew this out of sheer guilt. I took off my socks and shoes one day, and never put them on again, except for a few occasions that unfortunately required footwear.

I have one (1) pair of shoes - pink Crocs - and I don't even know where they are. Under the couch, maybe. Who knows? Who cares? Not only are my feet unused for walking anymore, but I'm in Florida, where I was ALREADY going barefoot, long before I couldn't walk anymore.

I'm so done with putting my feet in prisons, aka socks and shoes. 

Here's a little collection of more comics like this -
Let's Get Physical - Human Body comics
and here's a video I made about why YOU should also go barefoot (or wear flip-flops) more often. In it, I tell you how to make your own foot fungus treatment.
You're welcome :)
About Your Foot Fungus

Also, here's  the "label" I drew for anyone who makes a bottle of Pretty Piggies!

I made this video in 2011, when working at the health food stores for real was getting too hard for me (endurance/nerve issues due to increasing progressing ALL KINDS OF THINGS that are boring beyond comprehension so we won't go there) so maybe telling people about natural help for foot fungus was therapeutic for me too, because I have all this health food store knowledge still in my head, with no place to go, and maybe also I want all feet everywhere to be happy and healthy. Mine don't work anymore, but YOURS probably do. Take care of them, and don't wear them out.
And let them breathe :)